Eligibility Criteria for a U-Visa: Are You a Potential Candidate?

The U-Visa program provides a pathway to legal status for victims of specific crimes in the United States. To determine if you qualify, this guide explores the eligibility factors you’ll need to consider. This information can help you decide if applying for a U-Visa is the right course of action.  Eligibility Criteria for a U-Visa …

Challenges Faced in U Visa Applications and How to Overcome Them

The U visa is a vital pathway for victims of specific crimes to seek legal status in the United States. However, navigating the U visa application process can be incredibly challenging for many reasons. However, these hurdles can be overcome with support and guidance from a skilled and seasoned immigration lawyer. The experienced team of …

New Green Card Process for Farm Workers

What is the New Green Card Process for Farmworkers? A new proposal to help immigration farmworkers gain legal immigration status authorization awaits approval in the U.S. Senate after passing in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Farm Workforce Modernization Act allows workers who met a threshold of having worked a minimum of 180 days over …

Green Card Application Freeze Lifted

President Biden recently ended the freeze on green card applications that former president Donald Trump enacted in April 2020. The revoked freeze allows immigrants to apply immediately for green cards instead of waiting until the end of March 2021. While the freeze did not block American citizens from bringing their spouses or children to the …

How can I Obtain an EB-1 Visa?

In order to obtain an EB-1 visa in the U.S., applicants must display that they possess an extraordinary ability as demonstrated by a record of achievements in their field. EB-1 visas, which confer certified employment-based immigration status, can be issued to experts in the field of medicine, the arts, education, business, and athletics. What is Involved in the Application Process for …

Are There Issues Regarding At-Home Births for Undocumented Immigrants?

Consistent prenatal care is important for expecting mothers and their unborn children. It improves the chances for healthy outcomes by teaching pregnant women about proper nutrition and self-care and allows caregivers to check for potential health problems. Experts have said that the chance of having a baby with a low birth weight is three times …

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